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To qualify for a touring motor glider (TMG) class rating, you must complete an appropriate training course at an approved training organisation (ATO) or at a declared training organisation (DTO).

You must have a valid and appropriate class or type rating in order to do any flying other than flight instruction, skill tests or proficiency checks for the renewal of type or class ratings.

This does not apply in the case of the LAPL, SPL or BPL.

Ratings privileges

If you hold a type or class rating, you can act as pilot on the class or type of aircraft specified in the rating.

Training and testing

Theoretical knowledge examinations

Theoretical knowledge examinations must be taken at an ATO or DTO approved to conduct such training and assessment.

For single-pilot single-engine and single-pilot multi-engine aeroplanes (sea), the examination shall be in a written form and shall comprise at least 30 multiple-choice questions.

Theoretical knowledge

An applicant who already holds a type rating for an aircraft type, with the privilege for either single-pilot or multi-pilot operations, shall be considered to have already fulfilled the theoretical requirements when applying to add the privilege for the other form of operation on the same aircraft type.

Such an applicant shall complete additional flight training for the other form of operation at an ATO or DTO.

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Skill test

At the end of your training course, you will need to pass a skill test with a suitably qualified examiner, in the relevant aircraft class or type, to demonstrate that you can competently carry out the procedures and manoeuvres that you have been taught, while acting as pilot in command (PIC).

You must pass the skill test within 6 months of starting your training course. You must also apply for the issue of the rating within 6 months of the completion date of your skill test.

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Applicants for a class rating for TMGs who also hold an SPL in accordance with Annex III (Part-SFCL) to Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1976, including the privileges to fly on TMGs, shall receive full credits towards the training course, theoretical knowledge examination and skill test.

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Revalidation and renewal of ratings

TMG class ratings are valid for two years, counted from the end of the calendar month in which you completed your skill test.

Renewal and alternative means of compliance

If your rating expires, you will need to take refresher training as determined by an ATO or DTO and pass a proficiency check with a suitably qualified examiner.

Refresher training

(a) Paragraph (b)(1) of FCL.740 determines that if a class or type rating has lapsed, the applicant shall take refresher training at an ATO or DTO. The objective of the training is to reach the level of proficiency necessary to safely operate the relevant type or class of aircraft.

The amount of refresher training needed should be determined on a case-by-case basis by the ATO or DTO taking into account the following factors:

  • the experience of the applicant;
  • the amount of time elapsed since the privileges of the rating were last used;
  • the complexity of the aircraft;
  • whether the applicant has a current rating on another aircraft type or class;
  • where considered necessary, the performance of the applicant during a proficiency check for the rating in an FSTD or an aircraft of the relevant type or class.

It should be expected that the amount of training needed to reach the desired level of competence will increase with the time elapsed since the privileges of the rating were last used.

Once the ATO or DTO has determined the needs of the applicant, it should develop an individual training programme based on the ATO's or DTO's approved course for the rating, focusing on the aspects where the applicant has shown the greatest needs.

Theoretical knowledge instruction should be included as necessary; such as for type-specific system failures in complex aircraft. The performance of the applicant should be reviewed during the training and additional instruction provided where necessary to reach the standard required for the proficiency check.

After successful completion of the training, the ATO or DTO should provide a training completion certificate to the applicant, describing the training provided. The training completion certificate should be presented to the Examiner prior to the Proficiency check.

Following the successful renewal of the rating the completion certificate and examiner report form should be submitted to the competent authority, together with the relevant application form if the examiner cannot sign the certificate of revalidation in Section XII of the UK-issued licence.

Note: Licence holders, ATO's, DTO's and examiners are reminded that examiners are only authorised to sign the certificate of validation in Section XII (page 5 onwards) of a UK-issued licence when the rating is still shown on page 4 (Section XII) of the licence.

If the rating is no longer printed on page 4 (Section XII) of the licence but appears in the section “ratings previously held by holder”, the rating is no longer included in the licence and cannot be reinstated by an examiner. In those circumstances application for renewal of the rating must be made to the CAA so that the rating may be made valid by being included in the licence again.

Close Renewal and alternative means of compliance


To revalidate the rating you must complete the following:

  • Pass a proficiency check in a touring motor glider with an examiner. The proficiency check must take place within the 3 months immediately before the rating's expiry date;


  • 12 hours of flight time in a touring motor glider within the 12 months preceding the rating's expiry date, including the following:
    • 6 hours as pilot-in-command (PIC)
    • 12 take-offs and landings
    • a training flight of at least 1 hour with a flight instructor or a class rating instructor. If you have already completed a proficiency check or skill test in another type or class of aeroplane, you will not have to complete this training flight.

Note: If you hold valid ratings written on your licence for both TMG and SEP, when you revalidate you may use the same flight time for both and ensure both ratings are signed up.

Revalidation by experience

If you are revalidating your TMG by experience and are flying in a European Member State, please note that Certificate of Revalidation held on a licence issued by the UK can be endorsed by a non-UK EASA examiner.

TMG revalidation by experience can be signed in a UK issued licence by an examiner holding a valid Part-FCL examiner certificate or a Flight Instructor with the privileges of FCL.945.

Close Revalidation

How to apply

Initial issue

There are two ways to apply for a TMG rating; using e-Licensing or using our online form.


If you choose to apply using e-Licensing, you will need to upload supporting documents as part of the application.

Applicants will be asked for different supporting documentation depending on the selections they have made during the application. The table below lists the evidence you may be asked for and what you should upload in that section.

Name in e-Licensing Document required
Identification Document A certified copy of your ID
Class Rating Skills Test

Examiner report form SRG1157

Examiner's licence, medical, examiner certificate if non-UK

ATO approval if non-UK

Class Rating Course Completion Certificate

Course completion certificate

Class Rating update rating(s) A certified copy of your licence

Please note that you cannot use e-Licensing to submit your application if you are using credits from a Third Country Licence. In this instance, you would need to submit the online form instead.

Online application

You may choose to submit your application using our online form SRG3108.

If you choose this method, you will need to upload the following supporting evidence:

  • Examiners report form SRG1157
  • A copy of your Examiner's licence, medical and Authorisation (only if you used a non-UK examiner for the skills test)
  • A copy of the EASA ATO Approval Certificate (if the course was completed with a non-UK ATO)
  • A certified copy of your licence

UK military pilots need to additionally submit completed form SRG2133

Pilots applying on the basis of holding the type rating on a Third Country ICAO licence will also need to submit the following paperwork:

  • Third country verification application SRG2142
  • Original or certified copy of valid ICAO licence and medical
  • Evidence of currency on type (certified logbooks pages)
Close Initial issue

Revalidation by test

If your licence has been signed up in the field, there is no need to make an application. However, you must ensure that your examiner emails form SRG1157 to licenceapplications@caa.co.uk, so this can be stored on your file.

You can also notify us by filling in online form SRG3108 and uploading SRG1157. Please note that you will not be charged a fee for this. 

If you have an e-Licensing account, you will need to update the expiry date of your rating so that the information in your portal matches your licence. Please refer to our e-Licensing guidance for more information.

If your examiner has not endorsed your licence, you will need to submit online application form SRG3108 for us to reissue your licence. You will need to upload the following as supporting evidence during the application:

  • Examiners report form SRG1157
  • A copy of your Examiner's licence, medical and Authorisation (only if you used a non-UK examiner for the proficiency check)
  • A certified copy of your licence
Close Revalidation by test

Revalidation by experience

If your licence has been signed up in the field, there is no need to make an application. However, you must ensure that your examiner emails form SRG1157 to licenceapplications@caa.co.uk, so this can be stored on your file.

You can also notify us by filling in online form SRG3108 and uploading SRG1157 or SRG1107. Please note that you will not be charged a fee for this.

If you have an e-Licensing account, you will need to update the expiry date of your rating so that the information in your portal matches your licence. Please refer to our e-Licensing guidance for more information.

Please note that a licence cannot be endorsed by a non-UK Examiner/Instructor for revalidation by experience.

If your examiner has not endorsed your licence, you will need to submit online application form SRG3108 for us to reissue your licence. You will need to upload the following as supporting evidence during the application:

  • Form SRG1107 (section 3)
  • A certified copy of your flying logbook(s)
  • A certified copy of your licence
Close Revalidation by experience


If your licence has been signed up in the field, there is no need to make an application. However, you must ensure that your examiner emails the paperwork to licenceapplications@caa.co.uk, so this can be stored on your file.

If you have an e-Licensing account, you will need to update the expiry date of your rating so that the information in your portal matches your licence. Please refer to our e-Licensing guidance for more information.

If your licence was not endorsed by your examiner, or the rating is on the back of your licence, you need to submit an application to the CAA.

There are two ways to apply for a renewal; using e-Licensing or using our online Avoka form. 


To renew your rating, click on the 'i' next to your rating and then click on 'Apply to Reinstate Rating'.

The table below lists the evidence you may be asked for as part of your application and what you should upload in that section.

Name in e-Licensing Document required
Identification Document A certified copy of your ID
Class Rating Reinstate Skills Test Examiner report form SRG1157
  • Examiner's licence, medical, examiner certificate if non-UK
  • ATO approval if non-UK

Class Rating Reinstate Course Certificate Reinstate

Course completion certificate

Class Rating Reinstate Update Ratings

A certified copy of your licence

Online application

You can submit your application using our online form SRG3108

If you choose this method, you will need to upload the following supporting evidence:

  • Examiner report form SRG1157
  • A copy of your Examiner's licence, medical and authorisation (only if you used a non-UK examiner for the proficiency check)
  • A copy of the EASA ATO Approval Certificate (if the course was completed with a non-UK ATO)
  • Certificate of Course Completion or form SRG1107
  • A certified copy of your licence
Close Renewal

During the current Covid-19 pandemic, we ask that all paperwork is sent to us electronically.

Guidance on documentation

For questions relating to paperwork, such as how to obtain certified copies of documents, please refer to guidance on documentation.

Contact us

If you have any questions please contact our licensing team:

Email fclweb@caa.co.uk (preferred)
Phone 0330 022 1972 (Mon - Fri 08:30 - 16:30)

Related Information

Schools and training

Please ensure that your training provider is approved to conduct the training that you are undertaking.

We strongly recommend you check that your instructor and examiner hold the relevant privileges to conduct the training and any flight test, examination or assessment of competence that is being carried out.

How to find a UK examiner or UK approved school

EASA ratings list and flight simulators

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