The purpose of this Exemption is to provide alleviation for Non-Part 21 helicopters when conducting Public Transport operations with a MTOW of between 2,730 kg and 3,175 kg from the requirement to carry a cockpit voice recorder, and those issued with a Certificate of Airworthiness first issued on or before 31 July 1999 and a MTOW over 3175 kg but not exceeding 7000 kg from the requirement to carry a flight data recorder. It is not applicable to helicopters operated under a Police Air Operator’s Certificate. It is issued to align Public Transport operations equipment requirements with the equipment requirements of Commercial Air Transport operations and achieve a level playing field for operators.
Supersedes ORS4 No.1566
- Status:
- Current
- Review comment:
- -
- Version:
- 1
- Version date:
- 23-Jan-2025
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