The CAA’s proposals to replace Class F ADRs by means of regularisation to Class E airways, enhanced by additional SERA-compliant conspicuity requirements were the subject of a CAA consultation which ended on 26 July 2013. Consultation comments identified a need for additional airspace ‘fillets’ in the vicinity of the Aberdeen Control Zone/Control Area. These are considered necessary in order to facilitate continued application of current radar vectoring of traffic off what are currently Class F ADRs, but which are likely to become airways ( i.e. controlled airspace as described in the previous paragraph) whilst remaining compliant with Manual of Air Traffic Services Part 1 requirements for such aircraft to remain in controlled airspace. It is therefore necessary to undertake an addendum consultation on the CAA’s proposals for the establishment of this additional airspace.
- Status:
- Reference only
- Review comment:
- -
- Version:
- 1
- Version date:
- 16-Oct-2013
- View file:
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