Within Annex I to the European Aircrew Regulation, FCL.1015(c) requires all non-UK examiners wishing to conduct skill tests (ST), proficiency checks (PC) or Assessments of Competence (AC) on UK licence holders to inform the UK CAA of their intention to conduct such an event, provide evidence of their privileges as examiners and to receive a briefing from the UK CAA.
This IN defines how the briefing will be delivered and how compliance with FCL.1015(c) will be managed.
This IN defines how the briefing will be delivered and how compliance with FCL.1015(c) will be managed.
- Status:
- Superseded
- Review comment:
- Superseded by IN-2014/111.
- Version:
- 1
- Version date:
- 24-Sep-2012
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