On 14 December 2010 the CAA informed industry that routine operational flying at RAF Lyneham will cease on 30 September 2011, and that this would result in the immediate disestablishment of the RAF Lyneham CTR and CTA and closure of the resident Air Traffic Control Unit.
The purpose of this Information Notice is to inform industry that this change will also result in the regularisation of Bristol CTAs 8 and 9, and the adoption by Bristol ATC of a number of Visual Reference Points (VRPs) currently established for use in the vicinity of Lyneham.
The purpose of this Information Notice is to inform industry that this change will also result in the regularisation of Bristol CTAs 8 and 9, and the adoption by Bristol ATC of a number of Visual Reference Points (VRPs) currently established for use in the vicinity of Lyneham.
- Status:
- Superseded
- Review comment:
- -
- Version:
- 1
- Version date:
- 23-Jun-2011
- View file:
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