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List of approved assessors of TIP 3PI

TIP library assessment and approval

In 2024 a new requirement for all TIP libraries used for screening of cabin baggage using EDS-CB to be approved will be introduced - approved libraries will be listed on the DfT’s Approved Equipment List.

An approved library must be subject to having 10% of its images changed to be re-approved on or before its expiry date.

How do I get a new library approved or have the 10% of new images approved as part of a refresh?

QinetiQ undertake the assessment of image libraries on behalf of the CAA and DfT. In order to start the process of initial or re-approval for a library, please contact QinetiQ at avsec@qinetiq.com.

Threat Image Projection (TIP) – Third Party Integration (3PI)

Where 3PI components are deployed in a security screening system in the UK, they require approval. The approach to assessing TIP 3PI components, including TIP Management Systems (TMS), is to assess them as part of the overall system, to ensure that they do not have a detrimental impact on the security performance or functionality of the security equipment.

How to get your 3PI components assessed

3PI systems which have already been assessed and approved can be found on the DfT Approved Equipment List (AEL) page.

If you are looking to have your TIP 3PI system assessed for approval, please reference the Approval Guide on how to do this.

Becoming an assessor of TIP 3PI systems

In order to become an assessor of 3PI systems in the UK an entity must apply to the CAA and complete the application process successfully. Please contact the CAA at TIP@caa.co.uk.

There is a list of approved assessors available.

How do I apply? - Stage 1

How to apply to become an Assessor of 3PI systems

In order to apply an entity must complete the following 2 stages:

Stage 1 – Eligibility check

To commence this stage entities should email TIP@caa.co.uk to express interest in becoming an assessor. Entities will then be asked to complete an application form to confirm the following:

  • Confirmation whether they wish to be assessors for 3PI or TMS or both
  • Confirmation that they meet the following requirements:
    • The entity, or at least the team assessing components, must be based in the UK, and the assessment process must be carried out in the UK.
    • They are not, and do not intend to become, a manufacturer/provider of TIP TMS/3PI products.
      • They must have access to appropriate levels and types of expertise and must confirm the named individuals that would provide this expertise. These individuals should have:
      • Experience in testing systems in a methodical way in the last 2 years (and provide specific examples);
      • A proven ability to test and evaluate integrated systems;
      • Experience in applying technical and/or regulatory standards;
      • A current and valid CTC clearance or willingness to obtain it – note this requires a minimum of three years of UK residency immediately prior to application.

The CAA, jointly with the Department for Transport (DfT) will then assess the application for eligibility. Entities are informed of this outcome and if successful, may proceed to stage 2.

Close How do I apply? - Stage 1

How do I apply? - Stage 2

The second stage is commenced once an entity has successfully completed stage 1.

This stage includes:

  • The provision of existing CTCs for relevant staff or the application for CTCs through the CAA AvSec Vetting team.
  • The provision of the relevant User Requirements Document (URD) to the entity by CAA to allow the creation of the operational protocol setting out how the entity would plan to assess an application for TMS or 3PI system approval and verify that the requirements set out in the relevant URD have been met.
  • The proposed protocol to be submitted to CAA to allow for the assessment of its suitability.
  • Once the operational protocol has been approved, the entity will be asked to sign a statement of commitments. This will include committing that they will inform CAA:
    • Of the dates and timings when TMS/3PI system assessments are being undertaken in advance;
    • Should there be any changes to the operating protocols as previously submitted;
    • Should there be any changes to the entity which impact their assessment activities, including:
    • Changes in the staff used for assessments;
    • Changes to the entity’s location and/or any changes of ownership which might impact its ability to remain independent;
    • Any other circumstances which might create a potential conflict of interests.
    • Entities must commit to providing the assessment report to CAA in a timely manner


There is no cost to application process to become a 3PI Assessor.

Close How do I apply? - Stage 2

What do I need to send with my application?

The completed application form and any evidence required support the statements made within the application. Where already in place, evidence of current and valid CTC clearance should also be submitted.

Close What do I need to send with my application?

What else do I need to know?

Full details of the requirements can be found in the 3PI Approval Guide.

The status of an Assessor is only valid in the UK. Airports/Manufacturers wishing to seek assessment of their 3PI systems must engage an Assessor directly and agree commercial terms of undertaking the assessment with the entity. 

Please note that an individual cannot sponsor his/her own CTC application so for smaller organisations of up to 5 people, the CAA is prepared to act as a sponsor. For further information, please contact Vetting@caa.co.uk

Any queries about existing application, new applications or the application process should be directed to the CAA at the following address: TIP@caa.co.uk

Close What else do I need to know?

How long will it take for my application to be processed?

The processing time depends on the level of detailed provided and whether clarification is required, and whether CTC clearance is already in place for individuals or needs to be obtained.

For stage 1 we will aim to provide you with a decision within 2 weeks, providing all requested information has been provided. Where we require clarification this may extend this timeframe.

For stage 2, once CTCs have been successful completed and we have received the operational protocol, we will aim to provide you with a decision within 2 weeks. Where we require clarification this may extend the timeframe.

Close How long will it take for my application to be processed?

What happens next?

We will inform the entity of the outcome of the application. Where an application has been successful we then add the entity to this website, with the following details:

  • Entity Name
  • Contact details: email and/or phone
  • Whether they can assess TMS and/or 3PI
Close What happens next?

How long is it valid for?

The approval to assess 3PI is not time limited but may be revoked if an entity is no longer eligible to be an assessor or due to poor performance.

Close How long is it valid for?

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