If you have been asked to book to see one of the CAA’s consultant advisors, please note that you are now required to book and pay for your appointment and any associated tests directly via CELLMA (the CAAs medical online system).
To access Cellma you will need to have registered for the CAA portal service. For further details, please visit: https://www.caa.co.uk/aeromedical-examiners/medical-standards/medical/. A copy of the CELLMA applicant guide is also available and includes information on how to book and pay for your appointment / invoices via CELLMA.
The cost of a New / Initial appointment is: £324 and a Follow up / Review appointment is £183. If you are required to have any blood tests whilst seeing the consultant at CAA Aviation House, these are charged at £170 and hair analysis testing is £143. Invoices for these tests will be raised prior to your appointment and will be available for you to pay for at least 5 days prior to your appointment. Please be advised that any refunds are agreed at the discretion of the CAA. Should you cancel your appointment within 5 days of the date of your appointment, you will not be refunded for the appointment charge or the tests that have been arranged.
The Cellma Applicant Guide explains where you can find your invoices and how to request a refund in your Cellma account.
Appointments may be virtual or in person at CAA Aviation House, as determined by the consultant or CAA medical assessor. Please note that initial assessments for mental health or addiction disorders and subsequent appointments will be face-to-face until such time as the applicant is certified to be fit, thereafter at the discretion of the consultant or CAA medical assessor.
There may be occasions that the consultant requires your testing to be done at another location, these are charged separately by the off-site supplier and must be undertaken and paid for by the applicant prior to your consultation, with the results supplied to the CAA directly from the testing laboratory. If you are asked to have this testing undertaken, details of the off-site supplier can be requested by contacting medicalweb@caa.co.uk.
If you experience difficulties booking an appointment, or are available for short notice cancellation slots, please contact the medical team on: 0330 022 1972 (option 1 for Medical).
Aviation House - location and facilities
Medical Department
UK Civil Aviation Authority
Aviation House
Beehive Ring Road
West Sussex
Buses are available between Gatwick Airport and Aviation House, which is situated in the City Place area to the south of the airport. A map is available with directions.
Free wi-fi facilities are available in the visitor area of the atrium at Aviation House.
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