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The Airspace Modernisation Support Fund (ASF) follows on from the Future Airspace Strategy (FAS) Facilitation Fund and is there to provide financial support to UK aviation industry and stakeholders in modernising the UK airspace, in line with the intent in CAP 1711; the Airspace Modernisation Strategy.

The ASF is intended to aid projects in support of the delivery of airspace modernisation where delivery benefits multiple stakeholders and or research will enable wider industry deployment. It provides the opportunity for recognised UK legal entities, other than NERL and CAA, to seek financial support to deliver against the Airspace Modernisation Strategy (AMS) elements that cannot be funded by other means. Legal entities must be UK aviation industry engaged in modernising UK airspace. The ASF is open to UK aviation industry organisations excluding NATS En-route Ltd (NERL) and the CAA; if required, either NERL or the CAA can be subcontracted by another organisation to provide services to a project.

The fund is allocated to projects that support the delivery of elements defined in the AMS and therefore funding proposals must align with the overall AMS objectives. The current set of elements in the AMS are broad in their description and will evolve with further iterations of the strategy. The elements may not cover every example of work related to airspace modernisation, but the proposals’ ambitions should support the ends (the outcomes) a modernised airspace must deliver, as described in the AMS.

The CAA administers the fund through a grant process and will only commit funds to projects based on the monies collected to date. On this basis, the process of allocating funds will be based on bi-annual calls for project proposals. A grant agreement, based on a statement of works will be used to capture the work deliverables and grant payment schedule. For further information on eligible costs and payments see the ‘further information’ section.

How does the process work?

In the beginning, we ask any relevant funding proposal to come forward for consideration following a call rather than to restrict invitations for proposals on one specific AMS element. This “open”, or themed, call will be prepared by the CAA bi-annually and provides an opportunity for a wide range of organisations to come forward with proposals. However, although the theme of the call may not be explicit, any proposal must align with the AMS elements.

In accordance with the ASF governance process, each proposer is responsible for engaging with and gathering support from relevant industry stakeholders prior to submission of their proposal to the CAA. The proposer needs to present an evidence-based business case to the ASF Advisory Board, highlighting its relevance to (one of) the AMS elements. For example, addressing a gap in funding for research and development studies or delivering on elements of enabling works to improve the benefits delivered by a specific AMS element. The ASF Advisory Board will review and give feedback on the proposal prior to submission to the ASF Decision Board. The Decision Board consist of the AMS Assurance Group members as well as airline representatives.

The new process can be split into three stages, with a different entity responsible for leading the process at each stage.

  • Stage 1: Funding Proposal development - The proposer in close co-operation with the ASF Advisory Board
  • Stage 2: Funding decisions - The ASF Decision Board
  • Stage 3: Post funding decision oversight - CAA Airspace Modernisation Team

An overview of the process can be found in a diagram.

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ASF Advisory Board

The CAA Airspace Modernisation Oversight Team (AMO), with support from the CAA technical specialists and airline representatives, will function as the ASF Advisory Board. The Advisory Board will assess the funding proposal in accordance with the assessment criteria set out in the Terms of Reference before they advise the ASF Decision Board on its contribution to and alignment with the AMS objectives and make a recommendation on the prioritisation of the proposal. They will consider if the proposer has engaged with relevant industry stakeholders and look at the overall completeness and quality of the proposal before it is submitted to the Decision Board.

It is not the responsibility of the ASF Advisory Board to approve funding for proposals. They will come together bi-annually to discuss funding proposals that have been put forward following CAA's calls and will provide the initial review of the proposals to ensure they meet the requirements set out below. The Advisory Board can also assist the proposer with their business case by offering advice and feedback to assist in improving their submission and work with them on further iterations before submission to the Decision Board.

Once the Advisory Board has decided that a proposal is worth pursuing based on the proposal requirements, a final submission will be sent to the Decision Board two weeks prior to the Decision Board meeting to make funding decisions.

The Chair of the ASF Advisory Board (Head of AMO) will brief the Chair of the ASF Decision Board on the funding proposals to be considered by the Board and decide if any proposal requires a presentation from the proposer

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ASF Decision Board

The role of the Decision Board is to act as an objective and independent decision-maker to provide advice to the Chair of the group on the approval or rejection of proposals to the ASF. 

The ASF Decision Board will meet bi-annually, to discuss and decide whether to approve or reject proposals.

Airline representatives, who will also be part of the ASF Decision Board, will be invited to participate in the discussions on the ASF funding allocations. They can join physically or virtually, whichever is preferred.

In making decisions to allocate funds to projects, the ASF Decision Board will take into account the assessment criteria set out in the Terms of Reference. It will take due consideration of the Advisory Board's views and may discuss the proposal with the applicants directly to seek further clarification where needed. The ASF Decision Board will raise any concerns and highlight any conflict of interest that may be identified, in accordance with guidelines set out in the Terms of Reference.

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Who can apply?

The ASF is open to UK aviation industry organisations excluding NATS En-route Ltd (NERL) and the CAA; either NERL or the CAA can be subcontracted by another organisation to provide services to a project.

Funding proposals from registered businesses or organisations (not from individuals), with a verifiable UK bank account only will be considered. CAA will independently verify the bank account details.

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How do I apply?

The process of allocating funds will be based on bi-annual calls for project proposals, which is coordinated and led by the CAA. In the first instance, we ask any relevant funding proposal to come forward for consideration following a call, as long as it is aligned with the AMS elements.

Applicants will have to complete a Funding Proposal Application Form for submission to the CAA. Completed applications must be sent to airspace.modernisation@caa.co.uk

A month will be given for proposals to be submitted, and one month for the Advisory Board to review and provide a recommendation to the Decision Board. 

Depending on the recommendations made by the Advisory Board, the Decision Board may ask the relevant proposer for a presentation on their proposal if needed. Notification on the funding decisions made by the Decision Board will be sent to all applicants via email, and successful applications will be announced on the CAA website afterwards.

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Next call for proposals

2025 Calls for proposals

AMS Support Fund 2025 Calls for Proposals

Opening Date

Closing Date

Advisory Board

Decision Board

Successful Project Onboarding and Mobilisation

Call for proposal theme


10 February 2025

10 March 2025

1 May 2025

15 May 2025

26 May 2025

Open theme (all applications considered)



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Stakeholder engagement and support for proposals

Each funding proposal will require engagement with and endorsement from industry stakeholders evidenced within the funding application.

A clear evidence-based business case must be submitted to the Advisory Board, highlighting the proposal's relevance to (at least one of) the AMS elements. For example, addressing a gap in funding for research and development studies or delivering on enabling work to improve the benefits of a specific AMS element.

The Advisory Board will assess whether the stakeholder endorsement has been achieved, before recommending the proposal to the Decision Board.

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Payments from the Fund will be facilitated through the ASF Claims Process. Project sponsors will have to submit appropriate evidence of milestone completion and any relevant invoices to support the claim. Payments will be made directly to the successful applicants' ('project sponsors') pre-approved bank account and not to any third-party suppliers.

The full funding amount will be agreed in the Statement of Work, however payments will be made following successful completion of work phases, signed of at the AMS Support Fund Programme Board.

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