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British Civil Airworthiness Requirements (BCAR), Chapter A6-1, Part M, point M.A.302, Part ML, point ML.A.302, Part-CAO, point CAO.A.075 and Part-CAMO, point CAMO.A.315 refer to the need for owners and operators to ensure their aircraft are maintained to an approved maintenance programme to ensure the continuing airworthiness of those aircraft.

This application process is applicable to:

  • The direct approval of maintenance programmes by the UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA).
  • The notification of a maintenance programme approval by a CAMO or CAO that hold the necessary privileges (Indirect Approval).

Applicants will need to prepare and provide the documents and information listed under the ‘What do I need to send with my application’ section on this page.

How do I apply?

For an initial approval, amendment or temporary amendment to a maintenance programme, including both direct and indirect approval, complete the Application for Approval of a Maintenance Programme (SRG1753) application form and submit through the ‘Application Form Submission Service’ button at the end of the form. You will need to attach the documents listed in the ‘What do I need to send with my application’ section on this page.

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How much does it cost?

No charge is payable if the application is supported by an organisation holding a BCAR A8-25, UK Part-CAO or UK Part-CAMO approval.

Official Record Series 5, CAA Scheme of Charges (Airworthiness, Noise Certification and Aircraft and Aircraft Engine Emissions) provides details of the cost for making an application directly to the CAA for the approval or amendment of an aircraft maintenance programme which is not supported by any of the above approved organisations.

In the case of any discrepancies with the information provided above, the Official Record Series 5, CAA Scheme of Charges (Airworthiness, Noise Certification and Aircraft and Aircraft Engine Emissions) will be applied.

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What do I need to send with my application?

In addition to the SRG1753 Application for Approval of a Maintenance Programme, the applicant will need to send the following information:

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How long will it take for my application to be processed?

The Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) will begin assessment of the submitted information within 10 working days and approval will be granted when the maintenance programme satisfactorily addresses the relevant requirements.

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What happens next?

  • For the initial approval of a maintenance programme, the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) Shared Service Centre will allocate a maintenance programme reference number and send this to the applicant.
  • The application and supporting information will be passed to the relevant technical person to be processed and reviewed.
  • The organisation or person making the application will be advised if any discrepancies are raised and these will need to be rectified before the application can proceed.
  • Once the CAA is satisfied that the maintenance programme meets all the applicable requirements, it will be approved, and the applicant will be notified accordingly.
  • In cases where the appropriately approved CAMO or CAO is notifying the CAA of an approval or amendment to a maintenance programme under an ‘Indirect approval’ privilege, the CAA will send the applicant an acknowledgement.
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How long is it valid for?

The maintenance programme will remain approved unless suspended, cancelled, or revoked.

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News from UK Civil Aviation Authority

  1. Regulator signs working arrangement with Japan
  2. Plans to upgrade airspace unveiled by UK regulator
  3. Regulator Board hosted a stakeholder meet-and-greet at Farnborough Airshow