AAIB Report: Ikarus C42 FB80 Bravo, G-CICF, on 8 December 2022
Safety Recommendation: 2024-006
Safety Recommendation Text
It is recommended that the Civil Aviation Authority amends the design and installation requirements for lithium-ion main batteries that are located in the cabin areas of Non-Part 21 aircraft, to minimise the hazard to aircraft occupants following a thermal runaway.
CAA latest update
The CAA will assess and, where appropriate, amend the design and installation requirements for lithium-ion main batteries located in cabin areas of general aviation (GA) aircraft with a view to minimising the hazard they pose to aircraft occupants. Although the safety recommendation scope is limited to non-Part 21 aircraft, the CAA has since become aware of some Part 21 GA aircraft that have a similar battery configuration; the assessment will therefore include Part 21 and non-Part 21 GA aircraft.
Next update due
31 October 2024
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