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Suspected Unapproved Parts (SUP) includes products, components, or materials, from unknown, or suspect origin, or unserviceable critical components. The part itself or its associated paperwork can call it into question.

When in doubt about the origin of a part, maintenance organisations, aircraft owners, operators, independent certifying staff, manufacturers, and parts suppliers should check the information in the SUP list before accepting the part into stock or fitting it to an aircraft.

If a part in the SUP list is held in stock, it should be quarantined until a determination can be made regarding its eligibility for installation.

The UK CAA cannot always resolve SUP cases, mainly due to the lack of required information. For example, when:

  • A SUP with an allegedly forged Authorised Release Certificate comes from a non-UK maintenance organisation, supplier or distributor and it is difficult to obtain feedback from the National aviation safety authority.
  • The origin of the SUP is impossible to determine.
  • A potential buyer has been sent an Authorised Release Certificate for pre-assessment and they believe that the documentation has questionable provenance indicating that an SUP case might exist.
  • A part was unlawfully removed from a maintenance facility and is expected to appear on the market with forged documentation or untraceable history.


A SUP should be reported by completing a Suspected Unapproved Part Report and emailing it to SUP@caa.co.uk 

The UK CAA’s mandatory reporting system has been established under Article 4(3) of Regulation 376/2014. Implementing Regulation 2015/1018 defines one of the occurrences subject to reporting as ‘the use of products, components, or materials, from unknown, suspect origin, or unserviceable critical components’ (SUP).

Confirmed SUP cases (SUP list)

This list is updated and maintained as reports are made to us.

Date Title Chapter Name Part Name Part Number Serial Number Status
04 November 2022 Forged FAA 8130-3 Various Receptacle NSA55135-001 N/A Notified to FAA
24 February 2023 Forged FAA 8130-3 Powerplant Compressor 23033193 90373 Notified to FAA
22 June 2023 Lost in transit Landing Gear Steering Sleeve 162A1405-6 NMC2054 Missing
17 July 2023 Fraudulant TSO markings   Amsafe Cargo Net AC10-01530E0 202110-JSL-19846-1304 Confirmed SUP
04 August 2023 AOG Technics - Falsified EASA Form 1s / FAA 8130-3s Various Various Various Various See UK Safety Notice 2023/004
15 August 2023 Lost in transit Powerplant Dual Oil Pressure Sensor 4951695 10899931 Missing
27 November 2023 Stolen Landing Gear Tyre APS01337        223NH090 Stolen
27 November 2023 Stolen Landing Gear Tyre APS06017       523YS055 Stolen
27 November 2023 Stolen Landing Gear Tyre APS06017        523YS054 Stolen
27 November 2023 Stolen Landing Gear Tyre APR05101      Z216B066 Stolen
27 November 2023 Stolen Landing Gear Tyre APR05145  6236C558 Stolen
27 November 2023 Stolen Landing Gear Tyre APR05145        6236C559 Stolen
27 November 2023 Stolen Landing Gear Tyre APR05145   6236C555 Stolen
27 November 2023 Stolen Landing Gear Tyre APR05145     6236C444 Stolen
27 November 2023 Stolen Landing Gear Tyre APR05145     6236C553 Stolen
27 November 2023 Stolen Landing Gear Tyre APR05145     6236C572 Stolen
27 November 2023 Stolen Landing Gear Tyre APR05145      6236C554 Stolen
27 November 2023 Stolen Landing Gear Tyre APR05145       6236C476 Stolen
27 November 2023 Stolen Landing Gear Tyre APR05145        8196C339 Stolen
27 November 2023 Stolen Landing Gear Tyre APR05145        X216C795 Stolen
27 November 2023 Stolen Landing Gear Tyre APR05145        Z216C968 Stolen
27 November 2023 Stolen Landing Gear Tyre APR05145        Y216CB76 Stolen
27 November 2023 Stolen Landing Gear Tyre APR06600      X14LJ183 Stolen
27 November 2023 Stolen Landing Gear Tyre APR06600       222LJ122 Stolen
27 November 2023 Stolen Landing Gear Tyre APR06600   222LJ215 Stolen
27 November 2023 Stolen Landing Gear Tyre APS06015     623YC007 Stolen
27 November 2023 Stolen Landing Gear Tyre APS06015       623YC017 Stolen
27 November 2023 Stolen Landing Gear Tyre APS06015        623YC014 Stolen
27 November 2023 Stolen Landing Gear Tyre APS06015        623YC102 Stolen
06 December 2023 Lost in transit Engine - Fuel & Control Electronic Control Unit 1853M33P06 LMDN7500 Missing
18 January 2024 Forged EASA Form 1 Powerplant Continental Engine O-470-R 84258-3-R Confirmed SUP
Close Confirmed SUP cases (SUP list)

SUP cases under investigation

This list is updated and maintained based on the best-informed information available at the time of investigation including any responses received.

Date Title Chapter Name Part Name Part Number Serial Number
04/08/2023 AOG Technics - Falsified EASA Form 1s / FAA 8130-3s Various Various Various Various
13/05/2024 Falsified 8130-3 28 Fuel Quantity Wiring Harness CN1156-501 E0064288


Close SUP cases under investigation

News from UK Civil Aviation Authority

  1. Regulator signs working arrangement with Japan
  2. Plans to upgrade airspace unveiled by UK regulator
  3. Regulator Board hosted a stakeholder meet-and-greet at Farnborough Airshow