The CAA is the Regulator with respect to Instrument Flight Procedures (IFP), setting the associated policy and issuing approvals to individuals and organisations for the purpose of designing Instrument Flight Procedures. Article 176 of Air Navigation Order 2009 has been amended to reflect the change in the CAA’s role as a Regulator of an independent third party IFP design industry.
Our responsibilities
We provide guidance, within the Regulatory Framework, for independent procedure designers and organisations to adhere to in CAP785 - Approval Requirements for Instrument Flight Procedures for Use in UK Airspace.
Policy and guidance on designing in the UK is published in the Airspace Policy section of the CAA website. We will audit procedure designers and design organisations to ensure that they maintain the highest standards to promote safe and flyable procedures. Additionally we will approve all IFP designs to ensure only procedures that meet all the regulatory requirements will be notified in the UK Aeronautical Information Publication.
Service commitment
Our service commitment to our customers is to provide a well-regulated environment for procedure designers and aerodromes and also to provide regulatory and practical advice on all aspects of procedure design.
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