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Analysis of UK and world wide data has identified runway incursions and runway excursions as significant issues to UK aviation.

Both runway incursions and runway excursions have many causal or contributing factors and reducing the risk involves a concerted effort from the aviation industry. Airlines, Air Navigation Service Providers, Aerodromes and Regulators can all play a part in helping to reduce the risks that contribute to an accident.

The CAA Safety Plan summarises the approach we and our industry partners are collectively taking to address both these important safety issues. The plan focuses on a proactive approach to safety and is outcome focused with greater emphasis on measurable improvements to safety performance.

European Action Plans for the prevention of runway excursions and incursions:

The CAA has supported Euro control in the production of the European Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Incursions (edition 2) and the European Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Excursions.

Both plans contain many recommendations and organisations are encouraged to review and implement the appropriate recommendations relevant to them.

Local Runway Safety Teams

Self-Audit Questionnaire

To assist Local Runway Safety Teams (LRST), the recommendations for aerodrome operators have been expanded into a set of self-audit questions. LRSTs may download the self audit questionnaire to carry out a gap analysis of their aerodrome to identify areas that could be improved. An Action Plan can then be produced to address any identified weak areas.