UK Regulation (EU) 965/2012 (the UK Air Ops Regulation), Part-NCO, applies to non-commercial flights other than complex motor-powered aircraft.
Please note: Air Operations and Pilot Licensing Regulations for Balloons and Sailplanes have been deferred until 8 April 2018 for balloons and 8 April 2019 for sailplanes.
If you’re one of the operators affected, you should start planning your transition with this date in mind and ensure that all the requirements, including those associated with equipment are in place by that date.
Quick guides to the changes
The CAA has prepared a quick guide to the Part-NCO changes (pdf).
External to the CAA, Julian Scarfe of the PPL/IR Europe group has produced a useful online guide designed as 'an informal introduction to the EASA operations regulations Part-NCO applicable to most light GA aircraft within EASA scope from 26 August 2016.'
Who is affected?
Operators of other-than complex motor-powered EASA aircraft flying non-commercial flights:
- with an aircraft which is registered in an EASA State or
- with an aircraft which is registered in a non-EASA State but where the operator is established or residing in an EASA State
What is an EASA aircraft
EASA aircraft means an aircraft which is required by the Basic EASA Regulation and any implementing rules adopted by the Commission in accordance with that Regulation to hold an EASA certificate of airworthiness, an EASA restricted certificate of airworthiness or an EASA permit to fly.
Who/what is an operator
Operator means any legal or natural person, operating or proposing to operate one or more aircraft or one or more aerodromes.
What is an other than complex motor-powered aircraft
The term complex motor-powered is defined in Article 3 (letter (j)) of the Basic Regulation:
Other than complex motor-powered aircraft means an aircraft that is not:
an aeroplane:
- with a maximum certificated take-off mass exceeding 5700 kg, or
- certificated for a maximum passenger seating configuration of more than nineteen, or
- certificated for operation with a minimum crew of at least two pilots, or
- equipped with (a) turbojet engine(s) or more than one turboprop engine, or
- more than one turboprop engine and a MCTOM exceeding 5700 kg*.
a helicopter certificated:
- for a maximum take-off mass exceeding 3175 kg, or
- for a maximum passenger seating configuration of more than nine, or
- for operation with a minimum crew of at least two pilots, or
- a tilt rotor aircraft.
*A derogation has been agreed to allow non-commercial operations of twin turboprop aeroplanes, with a MCTOM of 5,700 kg or less, to be operated under Part-NCO rules.
What is required from you?
You need to be familiar with the EASA Basic Regulation and the Air Operations Regulations, particularly Annex VII (Part-NCO). See Regulations and Useful links below for more information.
Updates and more information
Balloon and sailplane regulations deferred
EASA has deferred Air Operations and Pilot Licensing regulations for balloons and sailplanes:
- Balloons - 8 April 2018
- Sailplanes - 8 April 2019
Alternative means of compliance
Under Part-NCO operators can use an alternative means of compliance (AltMoC) to comply with an implementing rule without informing or gaining approval from the competent authority.
NCO.GEN.101 allows an NCO operator to use AltMoCs without any further requirements or limitations. The rules in Part-NCO were written to preserve a proportional approach to the level of risk for this type of operation. We can verify an AltMoC used by an NCO operator during oversight activities.
Emergency locator transmitters (ELT) and personal locator beacons (PLB)
Under Part-NCO an emergency locator transmitter (ELT) or personal locator beacon (PLB) needs to be carried on every aircraft for every flight.
Implementing rule NCO.IDE.A.170 sets out the requirement to have an ELT or a PLB fitted so it is clear that an ELT or a PLB must be carried on all flights.
Cost-sharing for third country registered aircraft
The pilot of an N-registered aircraft (who is not in breach of any FAA regulations and is in compliance with the Air Ops regulations) can benefit from the cost-sharing derogation.
An NCO pilot that operates an N-registered aircraft in a Community Member State has to follow the Reg. (EU) 965/2012. This means that the cost-shared flights derogation - with its conditions mentioned in Art. 6.4a(a) - is applicable.
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