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It is important to recognise that you are applying for a new licence and it is not simply a case of completing an application form and paying the required renewal fee.

To grant a new licence the CAA must be satisfied that the licence authorisation applied for is sufficient and that the business has adequate financial resources to meet its’ actual and potential obligations.

For enquiries please email atol.online@caa.co.uk

For telephone enquiries call 0333 103 6700.

Please note the following:-

All ATOL holders that submit APC Returns directly to the CAA : Must be fully up to date with the submission of APC Returns.

For renewal applications submitted before 31 December 2024, APC Returns should have been submitted for the reporting period ending 30 September 2024 for quarterly reporters and for the reporting period ended 30 November 2024 for monthly reporters.

For renewal applications submitted after 31 December 2024, APC Returns will be required for the reporting period ended 31 December 2024 for quarterly reporters and for monthly reporters it will depend on the date a renewal application is submitted.  

You will access a partially completed online application form via the ATOL portal and this should be checked for the accuracy of the pre-populated information and be amended and updated as appropriate. You must complete the blank sections relating to your financial statements, breakdown of revenue and the expected business under the new licence. The required supporting information (including but not necessarily limited to the latest financial statements) must be uploaded as attachments to the online form.

We will require (except from Franchise ATOLs with an authorisation of less than £5 million revenue and 1,000 passengers) the submission of an Annual Accountants' Report Part 2 via the ATOL portal from a valid ATOL Reporting Accountant. This report is generated from the financial information provided in your application form and is therefore not available to your ATOL Reporting Accountant until your after application has been submitted.

Please note that reduced application fees are available where applications and an Annual Accountants Report Part 2 are submitted by 1 February  2024.

Once the final submission of the Annual Accountants Report Part 2 is made, the financial assessment will be carried out. An overview of the financial criteria can be viewed where you can also access the ATOL Self-Assessment tool (ASAT).

The next stage should be the issue of an offer of licence renewal, which may be subject to the provision of further requirements that must be met in full before the current licence expires in order to grant the new licence.

You should ensure that a complete application and Annual Accountants' Report Part 2 are submitted in good enough time to allow the CAA to consider this and for you to meet any conditions set to enable grant of a new licence.

Submission of Annual Accountants Report Part 1 (AAR Part1)

The Annual Accountants’ Report Part 1 is populated with the actual APC Returns submitted for the required period and is now made available for review by your ARA (via their Portal Account) when the renewal window opens.

If your ARA does not agree with the figures as presented they must reject the report, which will generate a notification advising you the report has been rejected. We will then email you an amendment spreadsheet and once you have completed this it should be saved and emailed back to atol.online@caa.co.uk . We will review and forward to the APC Team to make the necessary amendments to enable re-presentation of the AAR Part 1 to your ATOL Reporting Accountant. You should allow at least two working days for an amended AAR Part 1 to be made available (some amendments may take longer than this).

An approved AAR Part 1 must be submitted before the current ATOL expires.

Intention to not renew your current ATOL

If you have decided that you do not wish to apply for renewal you must complete and submit the Non-Renewal Form

Non-Renewal Form

You should also note the instruction set out in the CAA’s policy document: Making arrangements when an Air Travel Organiser’s Licence (ATOL) is not renewed

You are required to continue to submit all relevant APC Returns (and make required APC payments) for all reporting periods ending 31 March 2025.

Failure to Renew your Licence

If a new licence is granted before the current licence expires, the same licence number will be allocated, which will mean that your business can continue to legally transact licensable business without interruption and inconvenience to both you and your consumers.

If a new licence is not granted before the current licence expires, you will be included on a list that the CAA publishes and you cannot legally transact licensable business. This means you would have to immediately cease offering, booking, receiving any payment (including balances for existing bookings), fulfilling licensable business and remove all references to the expired ATOL and the logo. You would also have to make arrangements to make refunds for all existing licensable bookings. The CAA’s policy document: Making arrangements when an Air Travel Organiser’s Licence (ATOL) is not renewed provides further advice.

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